Thursday, November 16, 2006

New ACEO series - A Christmas Carol characters

I have a new series of ACEO's - Art Cards, Editions and Originals - also known as Artist Trading Cards or ATC's. These are original watercolors of the characters in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, a book which has fascinated me since I first read it as a child. The image size is just 2.5 x 3.5 inches - the same size as a sports trading card!

The first two have auctions on eBay ending tonight.

The "Ghosts" will appear on eBay this evening.

Thanks for looking!



Anonymous said...

I'll be gone tonight. I upped my max bid but I want to be around to make sure I don't loose it!

I'll have to see when I get home:>

Take care.

Anonymous said...

CRAP!!!!!! I had a feeling if I was not home I would lose it. One day I will win one of your pieces.

My collages are not getting the action I thought they would. They seem perfect for the ebay crowd. I can't figure ebay out.

Nancy Holliday said...

I'm sorry you didn't get it, Danny. But thanks so much for the bids, anyway!

I can't understand why you aren't getting a bunch of bids on your collages - I would think that the "eBay crowd" would love them.

How about a "Christmas Fantasy" collage? A pointsetia as the basic shape, with all the neat graphic shapes and textures you do...then keyword the heck out of it! Christmas, ART, holiday, etc.

Nancy Holliday said...

Oh, and LOTS of scarlet and gold!!!